AbdiMas Nusa Mandiri2024-11-18T08:01:31+00:00Redaksi AbdiMas Nusa Journal Systems<p>Jurnal AbdiMas Nusa Mandiri merupakan Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Nusa Mandiri adalah wadah untuk mempublikasikan hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat dari para insan akademisi, praktisi dan lainnya yang bergerak di berbagai bidang keilmuan (multidisiplin ilmu). Jurnal AbdiMas Nusa Mandiri memiliki <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">P-ISSN: 2774-5007</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">E-ISSN: 2774-499X </a></strong>dan menerbitkan dan dikelola secara profesional oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Nusa Mandiri. Jurnal AbdiMas Nusa Mandiri yang menampung manuskrip di tingkat nasional yang mencakup banyak masalah umum atau masalah yang terkait dengan layanan masyarakat. Tujuan dari publikasi jurnal ini adalah untuk menyebarluaskan pemikiran konseptual atau ide dan hasil penelitian yang telah dicapai di bidang layanan masyarakat.</p> DAYA SAING KELOMPOK TANI MELALUI PEMANFAATAN TEKNOLOGI PERTANIAN2024-10-22T07:24:40+00:00Khairul’adah Ferry Mulyawan M., Arwaty<p>Indonesia is known as an agricultural region with a wide variety of agricultural and plantation commodities. Plantation commodities such as coffee plants are one of the superior products produced by farmers in Indonesia. Coffee plants grow in mountainous areas with relatively cold weather temperatures. Geographically, natural conditions support coffee plants to grow well even with limited technology. Community service activities aim to increase the competitiveness of coffee farmer groups through the application of technology. The community service activities were carried out in Mekarmanik Village, Cimenyan District, Bandung Regency, West Java Province. Service partner Tiwikrama Mukti Farmer Group is engaged in coffee plantations around Mekarmanik village. Coffee trees in this area are planted intercropped with rubber trees that grow on land owned by the PERHUTANI State-Owned Company. The method of implementing the service activities provides assistance with a set of grass cutting equipment and garden support equipment. This equipment can help farmers clean grass and weeds that often grow around the garden so that the growth of coffee plants can be better. In addition to providing agricultural equipment instruments, the service team provided simulations on the use of tools and counselling to farmer group partners regarding the market potential of coffee commodities. The results of community service activities in farmer groups after carrying out garden maintenance can increase coffee productivity. Coffee farmer groups also have a better understanding of coffee marketing circulation so that farmers obtain more optimal economic returns.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Khairul Shaleh, Fitri Sukmawati, Sa’adah Abas, R. Ferry Mulyawan M.,H., Dini Arwaty A PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN KONTEN DIGITAL DALAM MENINGKATKAN PEMASARAN PRODUK KELOMPOK WANITA TANI (KWT) PANCASONA2024-10-22T07:24:41+00:00Kusmayanti Putratama Tanjunghandraputratama@gmail.comNasrul Walid<p>The Women Farmers Group (KWT) Pancasona, located in the Dephan Pondok Rajeg Asri complex, manages 5 plot areas and 1 greenhouse, focusing on providing organic vegetables. However, they face challenges in effectively utilizing social media to promote their harvests and sales, particularly in digital content creation. This community service initiative aims to provide training in digital content creation using the Canva application to enhance product marketing through social media. The methods used include observation to identify the problems faced by the partners, preparation of appropriate training materials, conducting training and mentoring in technology-based content creation with Canva, and evaluation to measure participants' understanding after the training. The results show that participants' understanding of the Canva application increased from 61% in the pretest to 92% in the posttest. Feedback from questionnaires indicated high satisfaction with the materials, facilities, and benefits of the training. Overall, this activity was effective in improving the knowledge and skills of participants, helping to provide solutions to marketing problems by optimizing social media use.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kusmayanti Solecha, Oky Irnawati, Furi Indriyani, Hilda Rachmi, Handra Putratama Tanjung, Nasrul Walid Hidayat OF THINGS UNTUK MONITORING KONDISI AIR BUDIDAYA IKAN KELOMPOK ‘TUTUT JAYA’ KOTA MALANG2024-10-22T07:24:41+00:00Nurin Fitriananurin.unidha@gmail.comAzhar Adi Fitri<p>This service aims to improve the skills and knowledge of catfish farmers in the "Tutut Jaya" group related to the use of IoT technology in water quality monitoring. Through the training and implementation of IoT technology, it is expected that farmers can monitor and manage water quality more efficiently, thus increasing the productivity and sustainability of catfish farming. The dedication was carried out at the Catfish Farming Group "Tutut Jaya" in Arjowinangun Village, Kedungkandang District, Malang City. The methods used include training, technology implementation, as well as monitoring and mentoring. Training was given to improve fish farmers' understanding of the importance of maintaining stable pH and water temperature. In addition, IoT technology was introduced to monitor water quality in real time, enabling rapid intervention against inappropriate water conditions. Data was obtained through surveys, interviews, and analysis of IoT sensors that measure water pH and temperature. The results of the research show a significant improvement in the quality of pond water, which contributes to the health and growth of catfish. The use of IoT technology also increases operational efficiency, reduces resource consumption, and increases catfish production. Partners show a high level of satisfaction with the application of technology and the training provided. In conclusion, the implementation of IoT technology in water quality monitoring proved to be effective in increasing the success of catfish farming, with the potential to be applied more widely in the fishing industry.</p>2024-10-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nurin Fitriana, Azhar Adi Darmawan, Mariana Fitri Rahmawati ECONOMY DENGAN PENGELOLAAN LIMBAH BERBASIS ILMU PENGETAHUAN DAN TEKNOLOGI PADA BANK SAMPAH 3G2024-11-18T08:01:31+00:00Siti<p>Garbage remains a significant issue in Greenary Permai Bojong Gede Housing, leading to an unhealthy environment, particularly when waste collection is inconsistent. In response, the 3G waste bank initiated several waste reduction activities. However, progress has been slow due to limited waste management knowledge, incomplete equipment, low community awareness, and manual record-keeping. To address these challenges, training was provided on managing organic and plastic waste, and repurposing used cooking oil into candles and soap. Financial application training was also given to improve the recording process. The goal was to enable the community and partners to adopt a small-scale waste management system and integrate it into daily habits. Using Participatory Action Research (PAR), community members, including waste bank administrators, were directly involved in hands-on training to ensure participants understood the objectives. Since the socialization of this initiative in April 2024, significant progress has been made. Questionnaire results showed 95% of participants understood the activity's purpose. Monitoring and evaluation revealed that residents and partners have successfully adopted composting, ecobrick-making, and proper recycling of used cooking oil into candles or soap, demonstrating sustainable practices and optimal use of the financial applications.</p>2024-10-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ety Nurhayaty, Siti Masripah, Indah Purwandani JURNALISTIK BAGI SISWA SEKOLAH MELALUI PENGGUNAAN MEDIA SOSIAL DI ERA MILENIAL2024-10-22T07:24:43+00:00Norbertus Tri Suswanto Saptadintsaptadi@gmail.comHans Christian Marwimarwihans@gmail.comFransiskus Aurelio<p>The dynamics of students in high school currently face various strong and unique challenges related to understanding journalism and the use of social media tools in the millennial era. The use of computers is a real activity of Youth Catholic Community (YCC) which continues to be dynamic. The problems faced by Cenderawasih Catholic High School and Frater High School students in using social media are a lack of good and wise knowledge and understanding, still having an emotional nature or lack of self-control, and not using social media applications constructively. Student learning practices still require serious efforts to increase productivity to be targeted, effective and measurable. The training aims to educate school students in understanding journalistic concepts with 3 (three) main aspects in the use of social media in the millennial era, namely: cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitude), and psychomotor (skills) to produce creative social media content with character constructive. Training methods include pre-training (information questionnaire), training implementation (tutorial, practice, and presentation) and training evaluation (rubric questionnaire). The training has educated students in understanding journalistic concepts with 3 (three) aspects of using social media in the millennial era. The results of the evaluation of 30 students, namely: cognitive aspects of 18 people or 60.00%, affective aspects of 22 people or 73.33%, and psychomotoric aspects of 21 people or 70.00%, so it can be said that in general students have been able to understand the use of social media well good.</p>2024-10-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Norbertus Tri Suswanto Saptadi, Hans Christian Marwi, Fransiskus Aurelio Hamdani DIGITALISASI SEKOLAH SMPIT AJIMUTU GLOBAL INSANI TAMBUN UTARA-BEKASI MENUJU MANAJEMEN SEKOLAH BERBASIS DIGITAL2024-10-22T07:24:43+00:00Andi Eka<p>In the digital era, the application of information technology in schools is crucial to enhance the efficiency and quality of educational management. This Community Service (PkM) activity aims to assist Sekolah Menengah Pertama Islam Terpadu (SMPIT) Ajimutu Global Insani Tambun Utara-Bekasi in implementing digital-based school management. The main objective of this activity is to optimize the school's management system through a tailored application that meets the school's needs, called DigiMS (Digital School Management). DigiMS will be built web-based which will be hosted and use a domain name, and a mobile-based application will be created which will be submitted to the Playstore. The method used includes stages of analyzing the existing school management system, developing the DigiMS application, providing training for staff and teachers on how to use the application, and monitoring and evaluating the application's implementation. Data was collected through direct observations at the partner school, interviews with staff, and efficiency measurements before and after the implementation of the digital system. The results of this activity showed a significant increase in operational efficiency, especially in student data management, financial administration, and internal and external communication. The main conclusion from this program is that adopting digital-based management through DigiMS can improve the effectiveness of school management and ease staff workloads in their daily tasks. Additionally, this program has a positive impact on the school's readiness to face the challenges of the digital era. This program is part of the 2024 Fiscal Year PKM Grant from Kemdikbudristek-DRTPM, conducted by lecturers and students from Universitas Nusa Mandiri.</p>2024-10-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Saryoko, Faruq Aziz, Instianti Elyana, Kurniyawantoro Kurniyawantoro, Bagas Eka Saputra PEMIKIRAN BERBASIS RISIKO MENGGUNAKAN TEKNOLOGI KOMPUTER UNTUK MENINGKATKAN AKUNTABILITAS KANTOR DISTRIK NAVIGASI PALEMBANG2024-10-22T07:24:44+00:00Hans Victor<p>With its strategic role, the Palembang Navigation District Office has made substantial efforts to improve the quality of its services, particularly by conducting initiatives to develop Standard Operating Procedures for the many types of services it offers. One of the main activities in this series of activities is providing training entitled Risk-Based Thinking - Identifying Risk Aspects in Processes that can support Accounting and Management Information Systems. The author explains to the participants using three methods: the Lecture Method, the Question-and-Answer Method, and the Case Study Discussion Method, all of which are conducted face-to-face and divided into five sessions, beginning with the opening session, material presentation session, illustration session, question and answer session, and closing session. It is hoped that by participating in this training activity, participants will gain a better understanding of the concept and application of risk-based thinking, as well as skills in using various types of tools, techniques and computer technology commonly used in risk management, which will be integrated into the process of developing the new service procedures. According to the results of the post-activity interview, the Head of the Palembang Navigation Office was satisfied with the training results and his team's absorption of the content.</p>2024-10-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hans Victor Sitepu DAN IMPLEMENTASI LITERASI DIGITAL UNTUK MENANGKAL HOAKS KEBENCANAAN DI CIANJUR2024-10-23T08:53:40+00:00Aminah Agustinahaminah.agustinah@gmail.comSri Mulyani Nasutionsrimulyaninasution2@gmail.comAsep Deden Rahmat S.asden.alc@gmail.comAstri Dwi Andrianiastridwiandriani@gmail.comDody Faraitody<p>The flood of information following the earthquake disaster in Cianjur has had an impact on the spread of hoaxes which is difficult to stop. The impact not only causes anxiety and fear, it even triggers division and conflict. To educate the public in preventing hoaxes, the Volunteer Team from Putra Indonesia University and Jayabaya University for three months after the earthquake carried out activities to Strengthen Digital Literacy and Psychosocial Assistance at earthquake victim posts spread across Cianjur. Implementation of community service uses a service-learning method that adapts the learning system to the situation and needs of the community. Community service activities are carried out using teaching aids that can be received by earthquake victims in the form of fun-learning with a duration of two hours. The first session is filled with introductions and storytelling, then learning while playing in the second session. The group was divided into two separate locations, namely the children's group and the parents' group. The aim is for each group to receive different material reinforcement according to their individual needs. Implementation of activities is carried out in collaboration with various parties (between universities, company CSR and local stakeholders). The results of the activities carried out showed that participants were able to understand digital culture, ethics in using social media, and the Personal Data Protection Law.</p>2024-10-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Aminah Agustinah, Sri Mulyani Nasution, Asep Deden Rahmat S., Astri Dwi Andriani; Dody Faraitody Teguh TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI PADA SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS DI BELINYU2024-10-28T09:55:23+00:00Johanes Fernandes Sakti Riady Ayudharma<p>The implementation of infrastructure and development of information technology (IT) services in educational environments such as schools and campuses plays an important role in supporting quality learning experiences. Regarding the introduction of IT infrastructure and service development in the educational environment. IT infrastructure covers various aspects such as providing hardware and software to meet educational needs, providing a reliable communications network, and ensuring data and information security. Services provided include training for teachers in the use of learning technology, technical support for students and staff, as well as implementation of related policies. With the right infrastructure, students and lecturers can access learning resources efficiently and interact in a technology-integrated learning environment. This service also plays an important role in increasing the technological literacy of students and teachers and ensuring the smooth operation of systems in educational environments. The services provided at schools can have a positive impact on improving the quality of education, preparing students to face the challenges of the digital world, and creating an inclusive and innovative learning environment. A holistic and coordinated implementation approach and ongoing support from all stakeholders will be key to achieving this goal.</p>2024-10-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Johanes Fernandes Andry, Francka Sakti Lee, Yunianto Purnomo, Kevin Christianto, Jonathan Riady Mulyo, Rakassiwi Ayudharma Putra INOVASI DIGITAL PEMASARAN UNTUK PENINGKATAN OMZET PEMBERDAYAAN EKONOMI RUMAH TANGGA PKK KELURAHAN RAGUNAN2024-10-30T07:58:23+00:00Rani Irma Listyaningrumhenilistiaa03@gmail.comSarah<p>The background of this Community Service activity is that PKM partners of PKK cadres in Ragunan Village have several limitations in terms of identity, packaging and product marketing. For product identity, there is no logo (label) for packaging, so the product that has been made is less known. In addition, there is no safe packaging design for the delivery of business products sold. So far, sales have only been carried out through event bazaars around Ragunan village so that there is a lack of marketing networks. Limited sales range, and the target market is not wide and diverse, revenue or sales turnover does not increase. The purpose of this PKM activity is to expand market reach, build strong product appeal, increase sales turnover and increase economic independence. The method for this PKM activity is to provide socialization and training regarding new product logos for the packaging production process on packaging labels, packaging design for shipping packaging, socializing the e-commerce application that has been made to PKK cadres of Ragunan Village. Providing training in using e-commerce platforms to market their products. The targeted output is to create an <em>online</em> sales application (e-commerce) to be able to market the business products of PKK cadres in Ragunan Village widely. This community service reached the main conclusion that digital marketing strategies effectively help the economic empowerment of PKK cadres' households and this strategy shows positive results in increasing their economic independence and income.</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rani Irma Handayani, Titin Kristiana, Setiaji Setiaji, Heni Listyaningrum, Sarah Aprilia LITERASI KEUANGAN DAN PEMASARAN MENJADI ENTREPRENEUR MARITIM PADA NELAYAN TANGKAP TANJUNG SEBAUK TANJUNGPINANG2024-11-08T03:43:44+00:00Kiki Iranitairanita27@gmail.comAbdul<p>This Community Service activity focuses on optimizing catches and financial management, including: socialization of seafood processing, digital marketing training, and financial management literacy assistance with the aim of improving the economic welfare of capture fishermen in Tanjung Sebauk, Tanjungpinang,. Through this approach, it is expected to increase the income of fishermen and encourage the economic independence of coastal communities. The method used is a socialization program and direct assistance to capture fishermen, focusing on the use of social media as a marketing platform and the application of simple financial management principles. Data were obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation of activities. The results of this activity show an increase in fishermen's income after participating in the program, which is due to the expansion of market reach and better financial management. In conclusion, this mentoring program proved effective in empowering capture fishermen and encouraging them to become maritime entrepreneurs. However, support from all parties is needed to ensure the sustainability of the program and changes in fishermen's behavior in the long run.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kiki Wulandari, Iranita Iranita, Abdul Jalal, Bunga Paramita PETA DESA AIR MERAH KECAMATAN CURUP TENGAH KABUPATEN REJANG LEBONG BENGKULU2024-11-08T03:40:41+00:00Debby Sinta Risa Alpasya<p>Maps are complex data sets containing information on the location and objects of an area. Maps can show the distribution of various things on Earth, such as settlement patterns, mountains and others. ArcGIS is software that can be used in making village maps. Air Merah village is a village in Curup Tengah sub-district, Bengkulu, which until now has not had complete mapping for the area. The purpose of this service is to help present village data that can be accessed as spatial data information in planning development progress in Air Merah Village. Community service is carried out in stages of visiting the village head's office for administrative processes, conducting discussions with the team, collecting data through field surveys and interviews, making maps, and discussing the results of thematic maps, as well as holding a presentation to discuss the results of the map and handing over map printouts to village officials. This service activity was attended by lecturers, partners and students who were involved in all series of services both in the field and discussions, so as to produce village information maps. Based on the results of field surveys and modeling, Air Merah Village has an area of ± 10.7789 km2 and is located at latitude longitude -3.4801, 102.556365. Map making has received a positive response from the surrounding community and is expected to be able to provide location information and improve the inventory of Air Merah Village.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Debby Sinta Devi, Henggar Risa Destania, Royhan Alpasya Markin DAYA SAING DAN KESEJAHTERAAN KT. KOMPITU HIJAU SEBAGAI GARDEN CITY MELALUI DIGITAL MARKETING2024-11-08T03:38:37+00:00Beta Renaldyfrfatkhan@gmail.comAnang<p>KT Kompitu Hijau faces challenges in marketing fresh agricultural products only through Whatsapp Group. Marketing of derivative products such as vegetable chips, healthy vegetable juice, dawet spinach, instant herbal medicine is limited to certain events organized by the Department. As well as less than optimal production management related to less attractive product packaging and water and electricity problems. The solution to overcome these problems requires training and mentoring in Digital Marketing as well as training and mentoring in production management. The method used in the training and mentoring of Digital Marketing and Production Management is the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach which involves the community in the development process. As well as the FGD method to determine the right marketing strategy. The results after carrying out community empowerment activities are KT. Kompitu can market and sell products online through GrabMart E-Commerce, Instagram and WhatsApp Business Toko Kompitu Sehat. The results of assistance and training in production management of KT Kompitu Hijau are able to produce products that are packaged and have an attractive logo. As well as having optimal waters to produce the best products. KT Kompitu Hijau won 1st place in the Yogyakarta City Vegetable Landscape Competition which was attended by 34 farmer groups in Yogyakarta City. The evaluation results show that digital literacy has increased. This community empowerment activity was organized as a contribution to increasing the competitiveness and welfare of KT. Kompitu Hijau.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Beta Asteria, Sulastiningsih Sulastiningsih, Muhammad Subkhan, Fatkhan Renaldy, Anang Abdillah PEMBELAJARAN DIGITAL BAGI TENAGA PENGAJAR PADA MADRASAH TSANAWIYAH NEGERI 1 KOTA LHOKSEUMAWE2024-11-08T03:35:59+00:00Rizki Fadlan Putra<p>Pendidikan merupakan proses yang vital bagi pengembangan individu, dengan guru memainkan peran sentral dalam menentukan kualitas pendidikan. Kompetensi guru, meliputi kemampuan pedagogik, kepribadian, sosial, dan profesional, sangat penting untuk menciptakan lingkungan pembelajaran yang efektif. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, pemanfaatan media pembelajaran digital telah menjadi metode yang inovatif untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Namun, hal ini masih jarang dilakukan oleh guru di dalam proses pembelajaran kepada peserta didiknya. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini berfokus pada kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan dan mengaplikasikan media pembelajaran digital kepada guru di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Lhokseumawe. Muatan materi yang diberikan kepada peserta kegiatan juga merupakan hasil observasi dan wawancara yang diberikan oleh pihak mitra berdasarkan kebutuhan sekolah. Kegiatan dimulai dari persiapan kegiatan, pelaksanaan kegiatan, serta evaluasi kegiatan. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan selama tiga hari, dari 6 hingga 8 Agustus 2024 dan meliputi presentasi materi, diskusi, serta praktik langsung. Selama tiga hari pelatihan, guru diberikan materi mengenai perkembangan teknologi informasi, pengelolaan kelas secara interaktif, serta media dan game pembelajaran interaktif. Materi yang diberikan antara lain adalah perkembangan teknologi informasi dalam pembelajaran digital, pengelolaan kelas secara interaktif dan media pembelajaran digital, serta media pembelajaran dan <em>game </em>pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan beberapa perangkat lunak, seperti produk <em>Google </em>(<em>GForm, Classroom, Drive</em>), <em>Wordwall, </em>dan <em>Quizizz</em>. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan tingkat pengetahuan peserta meningkat signifikan, dengan 89,5% berhasil menjawab soal evaluasi dengan benar dan 100% peserta mengumpulkan tugas yang diberikan.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rizki Suwanda, Said Fadlan Anshari, Muhammad Daud, Rizky Putra Fhonna, Syibral Malasyi, Tulus Setiawan ENERGI TERBARUKAN DI KAWASAN WISATA LUMBUNG MATARAMAN DESA BENDUNG GUNUNGKIDUL2024-11-08T04:29:57+00:00Syafriyudin Abu<p>The community service activities carried out focus on the application of renewable energy in the Lumbung Mataraman tourism area, Bendung Village, Semin, Gunungkidul. The community service activities carried out are strategic steps in supporting a sustainable green economy. By utilising appropriate technology (TTG) in the form of solar panels and wind turbines, this area is expected to reduce dependence on fossil energy and increase operational energy efficiency. In addition, the tourism area has the potential to become an educational model on the use of renewable energy, both for local communities and tourists. The methods used in this research include qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative approach was conducted through interviews with local stakeholders, such as tourism area managers, communities, and renewable energy experts. In addition, field observations were conducted to understand energy needs and the potential for implementing renewable energy technologies. The quantitative approach involved analysing current energy consumption data and calculating the potential of renewable energy that can be applied, such as solar panels and wind turbines. The results of the activities show that the implementation of renewable energy in Lumbung Mataraman can reduce dependence on fossil energy sources, lower carbon emissions, and provide additional economic benefits through energy cost savings and educational media in the use of renewable energy.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Syafriyudin Abu Bakar, Joko Waluyo, Muhammad Sholeh, Noordiana Herry