
  • Abdul Rahman Kadafi Universitas Nusa Mandiri
  • Indah Purnamasari
  • Tuslaela Tuslaela



Sosial media, youth organization, branding, publication, promotion


The rapid development of technology and information in recent years has made the internet a communication tool that is widely used by the community. In the current pandemic period, where there are social restrictions, social media as a digital means, its presence is very important for all circles of society where one of the benefits of social media is as a promotional/branding media including for promotion of organizations, for example by making posts about activities related to social media. positive activities carried out by the organization on social media. Branding is an effort to promote something by forming a self-image so that it gains the trust of the general public. Karang Taruna is a forum for fostering and developing as well as empowering in an effort to develop productive activities by utilizing all the potential available in the environment, both human resources and natural resources that already exist and the use of the internet as one of its social activities. The Karang Taruna 07 management wanted to build organizational branding, but due to lack of knowledge about the importance of building organizational branding and did not know how to make organizational branding so that the Karang Taruna 07 management did not yet have the Karang Taruna 07 organizational branding. administrators and members of the youth organization about organizational branding and how to manage social media to improve the organization's image. In connection with the Covid19 pandemic, the community service program on "Utilization of Social Media for Branding of Youth Organizations RW 07 Kwitang Village" in the form of lectures, discussions and questions and answers and practicums was carried out using online media. From the implementation of this training, it is expected to increase the knowledge and abilities of the participants on how to use social media to build positive organizational branding so that they can support youth activities.




How to Cite

A. R. Kadafi, I. Purnamasari, and T. Tuslaela, “MEMBANGUN BRANDING ORGANISASI KARANG TARUNA MELALUI SOSIAL MEDIA”, abdimas, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 32–37, Oct. 2022.