Application, Inspection, IP Address, Network, Computer.Abstract
Computer networks are widely used in company and campus. The company uses a computer to provide working facilities. Campus use the computer lab at each campus student practice. On each computer network takes a minimum of a network administrator to manage every device that is connected in it. One important task is to ensure that all devices can be actively connected to other devices in the network. Basic commands to check the relationship of each device is a basic ping command by typing in the DOS Prompt window. This command is done manually one by one on each device. If you want to check some groups of devices that remain to be done manually as well. It takes a long time plus waiting time for a response from the device checked. The hypothesis formulated proven true that the visual application can perform an inspection of the active IP address directly to a group of devices connected in a computer network quickly, easily and better view. The design of the application that created it can save typing time and waiting time results of active or non-active of a device connected to a network and look better when compared with the usual command manually with basic ping command on the DOS Prompt window. Black box testing methods are used to test the application by entering the data field to determine the outcome is appropriate or not in accordance with pre-determined. Contribution of this research can help the network administrator to determine a group of devices is active or not by much faster and easier.
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