black box testing, software testing, systematic literature review, white box testingAbstract
Software testing methods play a crucial role in ensuring the quality, security, and performance of applications. The two main approaches often used are black box and white box testing. This article presents a comprehensive literature review of the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of both testing methods with the aim of providing in-depth insights for practitioners and researchers in the field of software engineering. The research method used is Systematic Literature Review (SLR), which is a technique of collecting information through the process of searching for literature based on research questions, filtering search results, evaluating, and analyzing relevant research from various academic database sources to gain a comprehensive understanding. Through the analysis of various literature studies, the results of this research are the characteristics of each testing method that is more effectively used in best practice to achieve efficient testing with the coverage of literature review sources in the range of 2020 to 2024. The review of these characteristics is based on seven criteria, namely: test focus, test base, tester's point of view, test case design, program error identification method, program code knowledge, and test effectiveness. In addition, this article presents a comparison of the two methods so that the differences in testing methods can be clearly recognised in terms of how they are implemented. Based on the results of review literature, both methods are better used together in order to ensure that the functional and internal code structure of the software is functioning properly.
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