Focus & Scope
The first JITK (Journal of Computer Science and Technology) Nusa Mandiri was published in 2016, with the registration of the ISSN from LIPI Indonesia. E-ISSN: 2527-4864, P-ISSN: 2685-8223
JITK Nusa Mandiri is intended as a medium for scientific studies on the results of research, thought and critical analysis studies on issues of Computer Science, Information Systems, and Information Technology both nationally and internationally. The scientific article in question is in the form of theoretical reviews and empirical studies of related sciences, which can be accounted for and disseminated nationally and internationally.
JITK Nusa Mandiri accepts scientific articles with research fields at:
- Information Systems
- Expert system
- Decision Support System
- Artificial Intelligence System
- Data Mining
- Image processing
- Genetic Algorithms
- Designing Information Systems
- Business Intelligence
- Internet of Thing
- Database System
- Big Data
- Internet of Thing
The JITK Journal Nusa Mandiri has the aim of disseminating knowledge from the results of research and thinking for community service, the JITK Journal website Nusa Mandiri provides journal articles for free download.
JITK Nusa Mandiri is a national scientific journal that is a reference source for academics. With the schedule published 2 (two) times a year, namely February and August.