About the Journal

JITK (Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Komputer) Nusa Mandiri is a scientific journal containing research results written by lecturers, researchers, and practitioners who have competencies in the field of computer science and technology. This journal is expected to develop research and provide meaningful contributions to improve research resources in the fields of Information Technology and Computer Science. JITK is published by Universitras Nusa Mandiri Research Center in open access and free. Each published article has a digital object identifier (DOI): Prefix: 10.33480. The JITK journal has obtained an accreditation value for the SINTA 2, to send scientific articles to JITK, first read the article shipping instructions at the next link. P-ISSN: 2685-8223E-ISSN: 2527-4864

Starting in August 2021, the JITK cover changed to a new cover design following the change in the status of the Universitas Nusa Mandiri Jakarta college, becoming Universitas Nusa Mandiri.