• Mohammad Amada Universitas Esa Unggul
  • Munawar Munawar Esa Unggul University
  • Marzuki Pilliang Esa Unggul University
Keywords: Sentiment analysis, PERMENKOMINFO No.5 of 2020, Content Regulation


This study aims to evaluate the impact of the policy issued by the Minister of Communication and Information Technology (PERMENKOMINFO No.5 of 2020) on the public's ability to access content through Private Scope Electronic System Providers (PSE). The study uses sentiment analysis and data classification methods to analyze the content of PERMENKOMINFO No.5 of 2020 and provides results on the accuracy of sentiment prediction. The results of the study show that the data classification method in sentiment analysis can provide accurate results in predicting the sentiment towards the content of PERMENKOMINFO No.5 of 2020. The study also highlights the need for improvement and better policy to ensure the interests of the public in accessing online information. The negative sentiment of 80.34% obtained through sentiment analysis provides important contributions for policy evaluation and feedback for improvement. This study provides valuable insights into the public's sentiment towards the PERMENKOMINFO No.5 of 2020 policy and its impact on their ability to access content. It also contributes to understanding the legal uncertainty in accessing content and reinforces the case for better policy to ensure the interests of the public.


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How to Cite
M. Amada, M. Munawar, and M. Pilliang, “SENTIMENT ANALYSIS OF CONTENT PERMENKOMINFO NO.5 OF 2020 USING A CLASSIFICATION ALGORITHM”, jitk, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 131 - 138, Feb. 2023.