• Suratun Suratun (1) Ibn Khaldun Bogor University
  • Novita Br Ginting (2*) Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor
  • Frieyadie Frieyadie (3) Universiti Kuala Lumpur
  • Fitria Rachmawati (4) Ibn Khaldun Bogor University
  • Wisnu Indra Giri (5) Ibn Khaldun Bogor University

  • (*) Corresponding Author
Keywords: Extracurricular, SMART Method, Decision Support System


Extracurricular activities at SMAN 1 Cibungbulang are a means of exploring student competencies. Currently, students can choose extracurriculars without considering their interests and talents. It creates problems for extracurricular coaches because it is challenging to explore student competencies. In this study, the Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) method was implemented and implemented in a decision support system to overcome this problem. This study used four alternatives: Basketball, Volly, Aikido, and Futsal. At the same time, the criteria are interests, talents, schedules, and achievements. The type of criteria used is benefit criteria. The decision support system is designed using object-oriented design and built on a web-based basis. The decision support system is access by every user registered on the system.


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How to Cite
S. Suratun, N. Ginting, F. Frieyadie, F. Rachmawati, and W. Giri, “IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SIMPLE MULTI-ATTRIBUTE RATING TECHNIQUE METHOD IN DSS SELECTION OF EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES”, jitk, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 123 - 130, Feb. 2023.
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