• Kharisma Alivia Nastiti Universitas Indonesia
  • Harry Budi Santoso Universitas Indonesia
  • Kasiyah Junus Universitas Indonesia
  • Mubarik Ahmad Universitas Indonesia
  • Endina Putri Purwandari Universitas Indonesia
Keywords: augmented reality, immersive technology, mixed reality, students’ learning, virtual reality


Education is one of the fundamental factors influencing national development. Educators are required to constantly explore the newest and creative strategies to deliver topics to students and promote students’ engagement in the learning process. One technology that has numerous potentials to facilitate the education process is immersive technology. Immersive technology has the potential to improve student achievement by enabling better learning outcomes. This study aims (1) to analyze the trends and impact of immersive technology usage in education; (2) to identify immersive technology that supports students’ learning processes in the pandemic era; and (3) to identify the usage of learning theories in educational application development that implement immersive technology to enhance students’ learning outcomes. This study examined seventeen selected studies after adopting the selection process of the systematic literature review process by Kitchenham. The selected studies were published between 2018 and 2022 by Emerald Insight, IEEE Xplore, and Scopus. There are three kinds of immersive technology identified in this study: virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality. The study showed the nine types of students’ learning outcomes, and the results showed that using immersive technology significantly improved student learning compared to traditional methods. Furthermore, thirteen learning theories were adopted as the basis for developing educational applications. Future research directions are also suggested to continue developing promising and limited new technologies to enhance the variety of education-oriented applications. Immersive technologies designed for learning are still on a long journey, including considerations of readiness and potential effects that may arise for users such as privacy and security concern.


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How to Cite
K. Nastiti, H. Santoso, K. Junus, M. Ahmad, and E. Purwandari, “THE EFFECT OF IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGY ON ENHANCING STUDENT LEARNING: A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW”, jitk, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 208-217, Feb. 2024.