This research aims to analyze the level of e-government maturity in Kupang City using the Layne and Lee and Hiller and Belanger models and combine them with the SPBE model to provide a more comprehensive approach. The method used to develop an audit model involves a literature study to understand the e-government maturity model, identification of specific objectives for analysis of the Kupang City Population and Civil Registration Service (DUKCAPIL) website, determination of scope based on the SPBE model, determination of design audit criteria and benchmarks, collection and data synthesis from the Kupang City DUKCAPIL e-Government site, as well as analysis of audit findings, and using the GT Metrix tool for performance analysis and evaluation of the Kupang City DUKCAPIL website. The research results show that the lowest rating is F out of six, which indicates poor service performance. The Layne and Lee Model assessment gives a score of 18, indicating the technology's lack of integration and complexity. Hiller and Belanger's Model assessment gives a value of 13, indicating an immature level. These findings highlight significant gaps between the models evaluated. Recommendations based on research are to increase citizen participation by improving the Kupang City DUKCAPIL website based on a maturity model and the need for regular audits and ongoing evaluations to improve public services in Kupang City in e-government maturity. In conclusion, this research provides a new contribution to the field of e-government by highlighting the need for audits using several e-government maturity models to improve public services in Kupang City.
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