Animal health, animal health monitoring, heart rate sensors, IOT, livestock farming, location tracking, real-timeAbstract
Livestock businesses are often underestimated by the public because they are associated with less hygienic working environments. However, the demand for livestock products such as meat and milk is increasing, providing significant business opportunities. Several obstacles, such as livestock loss and the capital required for cage construction, are barriers to starting a livestock business. Livestock losses, especially in outdoor farms, often occur because of the lack of proper monitoring and data collection. Therefore, technology is required to overcome this problem. The application of IoT technology is an effective solution for overcoming this problem. By utilizing sensors, such as GPS, temperature, and heart rate, farmers can monitor farm animals remotely using Android applications. In this study, a U-blox Neo6m GPS sensor was used to track the location of farm animals, a temperature sensor was used to monitor the temperature conditions of farm animals, and a heart rate sensor was used to determine the health of farm animals that had been tested. The use of a 1500 mAh LI-ION LITHIUM battery as a power source proved to be sufficient for 7 h. The results showed that this IoT-based Outdoor Livestock Monitoring System can provide information on the last location of livestock as well as real-time heart rate and temperature data in the database. This innovation opens opportunities for farmers to improve livestock management and monitoring efficiently, minimize losses, and increase the productivity of their livestock business
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