decision support system, outsourcing, Rest API, TOPSISAbstract
PT Dina Mika Muda Mandiri is a logistics and transportation company that is facing challenges in recruiting outsourced employees to meet the company's standards with complex assessment criteria. In overcoming this problem, the research developed a decision support system that is integrated with Rest API and the Fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method. The system aims to improve the efficiency and accuracy of candidate selection by evaluating criteria such as interviews, knowledge, testing, curriculum vitae (CV), processing time, and salary. Two case studies were conducted involving 36 applicants for a website upgrade project and 24 applicants for an outsourced goods transit system. The results demonstrate that the decision support system integrated with Fuzzy TOPSIS significantly enhanced the selection process, improving accuracy by 91% for the website upgrade project and 97% for the goods transit system when compared to traditional human resource development (HRD) decision criteria. This demonstrates the system's effectiveness in aligning with HRD standards, making the recruitment process more effective, accurate and efficient. Future research should explore methods to refine the weighting of criteria and integrate expert opinions or more sophisticated machine learning algorithms to support more objective decision support systems in outsourcing employee recruitment.
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