Learning Management System (LMS) is an application currently popular for online learning. The presence of LMS offers better prospects for the world of education, where its highly efficient use allows learning anywhere and anytime through the internet or other computer media. This study focuses on analyzing the security of the Learning Management System (LMS) on the domain using the Pentest method with the Owasp Zap Framework. Security is a crucial step that needs to be considered by IBM Bekasi in protecting data and information from hacker threats. In this study, the method used is Pentest. Pentest is a series of methods used to test the security of a system by conducting literature studies, searching for data information, and domain information, followed by testing using Owasp Zap to find security-related vulnerabilities. The results of the testing using the Pentest method involve several stages of testing and scanning. The first step is checking domain information using Whois Lookup tools and then scanning using ZenMap on In this domain information search, the domain status serverTransferProhibited and clientTransferProhibited was found. The next stage is Vulnerability Analysis, where scanning is performed on the domain using Owasp Zap tools. Based on the results from Owasp Zap scan, 16 vulnerabilities were found, with the breakdown being 2 high risk, 3 medium risk, 6 low risk, and 5 informational. In the exploitation stage using SQLMap, errors were found in the tested parameters, preventing injection.
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