Decision Making,, Loan Approval, Mean Average Precision (MAP), MOORA, Profile MatchingAbstract
The objective of this research is to analyze the comparison between the profileimatching method and MOORA in supporting decision-making for loan approvals at the Widya Dharma Student Cooperative (KOPMA). The criteria used in this research include basic salary, length of service, loan duration, membership status, loan amount, and number of dependents. These two methods are compared based on their accuracy levels. The accuracy levels are obtained through testing with the Mean Average Precision (MAP) technique, which measures the accuracy in ranking. The testing is conducted by comparing the ranking results from the method calculations with the rankings from the KOPMA chairman. The analysis results show that the Profile Matching method has a higher accuracy rate, which is 67.83%, compared to the MOORA method, which has an accuracy rate of 45.46%. Besides method testing, system testing was also conducted using the User Acceptance Test (UAT) technique. The UAT results indicate that the developed system aligns with the business processes in determining loan eligibility, the menu layout and contents within the system are well-organized, the system features function properly and are easy to understand, and the system meets expectations.
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