
  • Andi Wafda Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Dhomas Hatta Fudholi Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Jaka Nugraha Universitas Islam Indonesia



aspect-based sentiment analysis, deep learning, indobert, merdeka curriculum, Twitter


The curriculum has changed once again with the introduction of the Merdeka Curriculum to address learning loss in the education sector. Its implementation has elicited various responses, such as support for granting teachers the freedom to innovate, focusing on essential materials, offering diverse learning methods, and fostering student creativity. However, criticism has also arisen, including issues related to teachers’ lack of understanding, parents' concerns, and the increased workload on students due to numerous projects. To improve educational policies, an in-depth analysis of these responses is essential. This study aims to analyze public sentiment toward the Merdeka Curriculum by applying Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) using data from Twitter. The research focuses on four main aspects: Teaching Modules (MA), Education Reports (RP), the Merdeka Teaching Platform (PMM), and the Strengthening of the Pancasila Student Profile Projects (P5). Data were collected using specific and relevant keywords for each aspect, followed by preprocessing, labeling, and filtering based on sentiment and aspect. The final dataset comprised 2,359 valid tweets. The ABSA model was developed using IndoBERT with fine-tuning, then tested and evaluated. The results showed that the aspect classification model achieved an accuracy of 97%, F1 score of 97%, recall of 97%, and precision of 97%. Meanwhile, the sentiment classification model achieved an accuracy of 85%, F1 score of 85%, recall of 85%, and precision of 85%. This ABSA model is expected to assist in monitoring public responses and provide valuable insights for policy development, particularly within the context of the Merdeka Curriculum.


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How to Cite

A. Wafda, D. H. Fudholi, and J. Nugraha, “ASPECT-BASED SENTIMENT ANALYSIS ON TWITTER TWEETS ABOUT THE MERDEKA CURRICULUM USING INDOBERT”, jitk, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 586–599, Feb. 2025.