campus environment, introduction media, VT-UNUJA, WebVRAbstract
Conventional campus introductions are often limited in providing an immersive experience to prospective students, especially for those who cannot attend in person. This encourages the need for technology-based solutions that can overcome these limitations. This research develops a WebVR-based VT-UNUJA application as a campus introduction media that offers an interactive experience with 360-degree panoramic image features, hotspot descriptions, navigation, and voice-over. The purpose of this research is to create an application that can increase user understanding of campus locations and facilities more efficiently and easily accessible. The test results show that this application is effective in improving user understanding, with a high level of satisfaction with the ease of use and interactivity of the application. The benefits of this research are to contribute in improving campus professionalism in presenting information digitally, as well as providing innovative alternatives for other educational institutions in supporting the orientation process for prospective students.
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