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Lembaga Penelitian Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Nusa Mandiri
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In this study, an automatic diagnosis analysis of the results of pap smear image extraction using neural network algorithms, the analysis included a review of the results of Herlev pap smear extraction level 7 grade, 2 normal and abnormal classes, 3 classes of normal level dysplasia and 4 classes of abnormal dysplasia levels. The problem is that neural networks are very difficult to designate optimal features in diagnosing and difficult to handle class imbalances. This study proposes a combination of particle swarm optimization (PSO) to optimize the features and bagging methods to deal with class imbalances, with the aim that the results of diagnosis using a neural network can increase its accuracy. The results show that using PSO and bagging methods can improve the accuracy of the algorithm of network balance. At level 7 the buffer class increased by 1.64%, 2 classes increased by 0.44%, 3 classes increased by 2.04%, and at level 4 the class increased by 5.47%In this study, an automatic diagnosis analysis of the results of pap smear image extraction using neural network algorithms, the analysis included a review of the results of Herlev pap smear extraction level 7 grade, 2 normal and abnormal classes, 3 classes of normal level dysplasia and 4 classes of abnormal dysplasia levels. The problem is that neural networks are very difficult to designate optimal features in diagnosing and difficult to handle class imbalances. This study proposes a combination of particle swarm optimization (PSO) to optimize the features and bagging methods to deal with class imbalances, with the aim that the results of diagnosis using a neural network can increase its accuracy. The results show that using PSO and bagging methods can improve the accuracy of the algorithm of network balance. At level 7 the buffer class increased by 1.64%, 2 classes increased by 0.44%, 3 classes increased by 2.04%, and at level 4 the class increased by 5.47%
Information Systems Study Program Lecturer
Lecturer of Informatics Engineering Study Program
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Lembaga Penelitian Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Nusa Mandiri
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