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Lembaga Penelitian Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Nusa Mandiri
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Analysis of the tendency of learning styles and types of learning styles aims to identify the weaknesses and advantages of a student in the process of teaching Study abroad and absorb the information given in a classroom so that teachers can improve learning achievement. The method used in this study based on the method of Learning Style Inventory introduced by David Kolb, the steps being taken are the Identification of Problems, Study litelatur, Designing Questionnaire, Validation Question, Determining Sample, Data Gathering, Analysis and Conclusions. The results showed that there were 12% (14 people) have a tendency Flavorings, 21% (23 people) a tendency Observer, 22% (24 people) a tendency Thinkers and 45% (50 people) action tendencies. The types of learning styles diverging by 39% (43 people), then asimilator by 22% (25 people) akomodator by 21% (23 people) and converges at 18% (20 people) of the total 111 students who filled out a questionnaire.
D'Amore, Angelo, Santhamma James, Eleanor K.L. Mitchell. (2011). Learning Style of First-year Undergraduate Nursing and Midwifery Students: A Cross-sectiona Survey Utilising The Kolb Learning Style Inventory. Elsevier: Nurse Education Today 32:506-515.
Fuad, A. Jauhar. (2015). Gaya Belajar Kolb dan Percepatan Belajar. Psyhology Forum UMM: Seminar Psikologi dan Kemanusiaan:1-6.
Gilakjani, Abbas Pourhossein. 2011. Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic Learning Style and Their Impacts on Enlisgh Language Teaching. Macrothink Institute: Journal of Studies in Education. Volume 02 No. 1:104-113.
Gogus, Aytac and Gurdal Ertek. (2016). Learning and Personal Attributes of University Students in Predicting and Classifying The Learning Styles: Klob's mine-region Versus four-region Learning Styles. Elsevier: Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 217:779-789.
Manolis, Chris, David J. Burns, Rashmi Assudani, Ravi Chinta. 2013. Assessing Experiential Learning Style: A Methodological Reconstruction and Validation of The Kolb Learning Style Inventory. Elsevier: Learning and Individual Differences 23:44-52.
Nugroho, P. U., Pajow, A. P., & Liem, A. T. (2016). Aplikasi Test Personality Dan Learning Style Inventory Berbasis Web Untuk Mahasiswa Universitas Klabat. Semnasteknomedia Online, 4(1), 37-42.
Setiawan, Muhammad Fauzi dan Prihastuti. (2013). Perbedaan Karakteristik Gaya Belajar Guru Ditinjau Dari Mata Pelajaran yang Diampu pada Guru Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) dan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) di Surabaya. Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan dan Perkembangan:100-108.
Shaikh, Adnan Al. (2015). Learning Styles and Satisfaction with Educational Activities Among Paediatric Physicians at King Abdulaziz Medical City Jeddah. Jurnal of Taibah University Medical Sciences: 102-108.
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Lembaga Penelitian Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Nusa Mandiri
Creation is distributed below Lisensi Creative Commons Atribusi-NonKomersial 4.0 Internasional.