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Lembaga Penelitian Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Nusa Mandiri
Creation is distributed below Lisensi Creative Commons Atribusi-NonKomersial 4.0 Internasional.
Social media has developed rapidly today, so social media is no longer just a place to interact and socialize but also to express opinions or criticize a particular party or institution. After the incident at the Malang Kanjuruhan stadium in October 2022, many netizens criticized the performance of PSSI as Indonesia's number one organization that oversees football competitions in Indonesia. For this reason, sentiment analysis was carried out on the official PSSI account on Twitter to assess the performance of PSSI by grouping them as Satisfied and Unsatisfied using the Naïve Bayes Classifier. Sentiment analysis took tweets from the official PSSI account and as many as 1000 comments to be used as a dataset. Then preprocessing is carried out in the GATA Framework using the Annotation Removal, Remove Hashtag, Transformation Remove URL, Regexp, Indonesian Steaming, and Indonesian Stopword Removal methods. The results obtained were 82.82% for accuracy, 78.69% for precision, 90.33% for recall, and 0.866 for AUC. With these results, the value obtained is at a good classification level.
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Diterbitkan Oleh:
Lembaga Penelitian Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Nusa Mandiri
Creation is distributed below Lisensi Creative Commons Atribusi-NonKomersial 4.0 Internasional.