
  • Moh. Erkamim Universitas Tunas Pembangunan
  • Ri Sabti Septarini Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang
  • Mursalim Tonggiroh Universitas Yapis Papua
  • Siti Nurhayati Universitas Yapis Papua



artificial neural networks, ELM, extreme learning machine, GLCM, potato leaf disease


Potato plants have an important role in providing a source of carbohydrates for society. However, potato production is often threatened by various plant diseases, such as leaf disease, which can cause a decrease in yields. Identification of diseases on potato leaves is currently mostly done by farmers manually, so it is not always efficient and accurate. So the aim of this research is to identify diseases on potato leaves with artificial neural networks using the ELM (Extreme Learning Machine) approach and the GLCM (Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix) method for feature extraction. The GLCM approach functions to obtain texture features on objects by measuring how often certain pairs of pixel intensities appear together at various distances and directions in the image. Meanwhile, the ELM algorithm is used for image identification by adopting a one-time training method without iteration, which involves randomly determining weights and biases in hidden layers, thus allowing training to be carried out quickly and efficiently. Evaluation of the model by looking for the level of accuracy produces a value of 84.667%. The results show that the model developed is capable of accurate identification.


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How to Cite

Erkamim, M., Septarini, R. S., Tonggiroh, M., & Nurhayati, S. (2024). IDENTIFICATION OF POTATO LEAF DISEASES USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS WITH EXTREME LEARNING MACHINE ALGORITHM. Jurnal Pilar Nusa Mandiri, 20(1), 60–68.