• Moh. Nurjaman Nusa Putra University
  • Habi Baturohmah Nusa Putra University
  • Cecep Warman Nusa Putra University
Keywords: agile, hypercasual, game, project management, scrum


The research aims to explore and implement an effective Project Management approach in Game Development using the Scrum Framework. A case study was conducted on the development of a hypercasual game titled "Rush Runner." With a focus on rapid iterations, continuous feedback, and adaptation to changes, the Scrum methodology was used to manage the game development workflow from planning to publication. Concrete steps were taken to adapt to user needs and evolving demands as an integral part of the development process. The research findings indicate that the implementation of Scrum had a positive impact on productivity, quality, and user satisfaction in hypercasual game development. Furthermore, the integration of Project Management and the Scrum approach optimized overall time, cost, and quality. These findings provide valuable insights for practitioners and researchers in the field of game development to understand the importance of an adaptive and responsive Project Management approach to market changes and user needs.


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Author Biography

Moh. Nurjaman, Nusa Putra University

A Unity Developer. Passionate in game Development, app development and web development using Unity Engine.


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How to Cite
Nurjaman, M., Baturohmah, H., & Warman, C. (2024). GAME DEVELOPMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT USING SCRUM FRAMEWORK: HYPERCASUAL GAME CASE STUDY ’RUSH RUNNER’. Jurnal Pilar Nusa Mandiri, 20(2), 111-117.