heuristic evaluation, presence application, system usability scale (SUS), usability analysisAbstract
The Presence Digital Application (PRICILIA) is a presence application owned by PT. BGR Logistics Indonesia. However, until now, there has never been an evaluation of usability testing. Complaints from users regarding the PRICILIA application include menu displays that are less interactive, long loading times, and the unavailability of other alternatives besides GPS. Of course, this affects the level of user satisfaction with the application. Therefore, usability testing is needed to be able to measure the level of user comfort, application feasibility, and the application interface. In this study, the system evaluation method used is Heuristic Evaluation with measurement using the System Usability Scale (SUS). The results of this study indicate that aspects that need to be improved with high priority are Error Prevention (H5) and Recognition rather than Recall (H6) because they have a seriousness rating on a scale of 3, while the average score of the final seriousness rating obtained from a total of 10 heuristic aspects is 1, 72 which is then rounded off to a scale of 2. The SUS test results obtained an average final SUS score of 55.13. The results of the calculation of the SUS method are that the Acceptance Ranges have low marginal status, the Grade Scale is on a D scale, and the Adjective Twigs are at the OK level. This shows that the PRICILIA application still needs improvement. Therefore, 30 recommendations for improvement are proposed for future application development.
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