• Siprianus Septian Manek (1*) Universitas Timor
  • Grandianus Seda Mada (2) Universitas Timor
  • Yoseph P.K. Kelen (3) Universitas Timor

  • (*) Corresponding Author
Keywords: diagnosis, expert system, fuzzy enference mamdani system, preeclampsia


Various institutions utilize computer information systems to analyze and process data. An expert system is an information system that is used to help analyze and determine decisions on a problem based on rules determined by experts. This research focuses on creating a prototype expert system for diagnosing pre-eclampsia or pregnancy poisoning in pregnant women based on measuring blood pressure and checking proteinuria. The existing data is then analyzed using the Mamdani system's fuzzy inference method. Supporting theory regarding the fuzzy inference system of Mamdani, pre-eclampsia and its examination indicators will be used as a basis for creating this expert system prototype. The data used were secondary data on preeclampsia patients in the form of medical records of blood pressure measurements, proteinuria examinations and doctor diagnoses of preeclampsia patients at two Regional General Hospitals (RSUD), namely Atambua and Kefamenanu, totaling 20 samples. The interface or user interface of this prototype system is made as simple as possible so that it can be operated by all ordinary people. The programming language used is Visual Basic (VB) with the Visual Studio 2010 developer application. The initial prototype of this system will continue to be developed until it can become a Information systems or real applications used in hospitals. The results of this research are that the expert system for diagnosing preeclampsia can be used well and easily by hospital staff and show congruence between the system diagnosis results and the diagnosis results from obstetricians or experts in the 20 processed data.


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How to Cite
Manek, S., Mada, G., & Kelen, Y. (2023). PRE-ECLAMPSIA DIAGNOSIS EXPERT SYSTEM USING FUZZY INFERENCE SYSTEM MAMDANI. Jurnal Techno Nusa Mandiri, 20(2), 80-88.
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