• Husnul Hayat
  • Samudi Samudi
Keywords: Information System Audit, Cobit 5, DSS, MEA


  1. KBN Prima Logistik is a subsidiary affiliated with PT. Kawasan Berikat Nusantara which operates in the field of logistics services. In carrying out its business processes, it has implemented an Information System in the form of using desktop-based supporting business applications (Client Server). Some of the current problems are that the applications used are not functioning optimally, IT Governance procedures are not well defined by standards, there is no IT Division in the Organizational Structure that is responsible for IT management and there is a shortage of competent human resources in the IT field. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the Maturity Level and Capability Level of IT governance. So, research was carried out using the COBIT 5 framework as an Information System Audit model. The research method goes through the stages of problem identification, literature study, and domain determination which focuses on the DSS and MEA domains. The data collection method was through interviews and distributing questionnaires filled in by 20 respondents. The research results show that the Maturity Level value in the DSS and MEA domains shows an average value of 1.94 or 194%. Capability Level is still at Level 2 (Managed Process) from the expected Target Level 3 (Established Process). This indicates that although the IT processes has been run and implemented regularly with planning and monitoring according to business process objectives, but the management is not yet optimal and not well standardized. The results of the gap assessment show that the average gap value is 1.06.


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How to Cite
Hayat, H., & Samudi, S. (2024). LOGISTICS SERVICE INFORMATION SYSTEM AUDIT USING COBIT 5 FRAMEWORK. Jurnal Techno Nusa Mandiri, 21(2), 87 - 96. https://doi.org/10.33480/techno.v21i2.5156