
  • Sri Sureni Sistem Informasi STMIK Nusa Mandiri
  • Herlawati Herlawati Teknik Informatika STMIK Nusa Mandiri
  • Hendra Supendar Teknik Komputer AMIK BSI Jakarta


Expert systems, Interests and Talents, Multiple Intelligences, Forward Chaining


Identifying talents of children as early as possible as parents will surely find it helpful because parents can directly lead and guide so that their interests and talents can flourish. So it is with the child, the child can explore talents honed better and also can fill the days in its path with an activity that is meaningful to him and certainly liked it. Therefore needed an expert system application that can help figure it out. Application of expert system is an expert system that created the interest and talents of children elucidation web-based. The system uses a forward search method (Forward Chaining) to determine the child's interests and talents. The theory used is the theory of multiple intelligences (Multiple Intelligences) by Professor Howard Gardner. Expert System Application Determination interest and Kids Talent is expected to help in knowing the interests and talents of children as early as possible. So with a system of this application, parents can maximize skill children, so that children can be multitalented.


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How to Cite

Sureni, S., Herlawati, H., & Supendar, H. (2013). SISTEM PAKAR MINAT DAN BAKAT ANAK DENGAN MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES BERBASIS WEB PADA SDIT MUTIARA ISLAM DEPOK. Jurnal Techno Nusa Mandiri, 10(1), 65–77. Retrieved from