Categorical Data Type, Cluster Interpretation, Davies-Bouldin Index, K-Medoid, Modal Value, SegmentationAbstract
Consumer segmentation plays a crucial role for business owners in developing their enterprises. K-Medoid is commonly used for segmentation functions due to its low computational complexity. However, K-Medoid has limitations, such as the variability in cluster sizes across different iterations and the challenge of determining the optimal number of clusters. The Davies-Bouldin Index (DBI) is a metric used to evaluate the number of clusters by calculating the ratio between the within-cluster distance and the between-cluster distance. Most segmentation studies typically stop at the formation of clusters without further interpretation, particularly when dealing with categorical data. This study aims to modify the use of K-Medoid and propose a method for interpreting clusters with categorical data. The research began with questionnaire design and the data collecting from 100 respondents, which was normalized in the second stage. Clustering used K-Medoid with variations K values from K=2 to K=10, with each K value tested 10 times. The clustering results were evaluated using the DBI to select the optimal clusters. Data interpretation conducted using modal values, calculated as the ratio of the number of times a specific attribute variable was selected by respondents to the total number of data points in the cluster. Utilization and hierarchical visualization of modal values proposed in this study offer insights into the dominant variables within an attribute and also depict the relationships between attributes based on the ranking of modal values. These advantages facilitate business analysts in labeling clusters for developing consumer-driven business strategies.
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