
  • Cut Lika Mestika Sandy Universitas Islam Kebangsaan Indonesia
  • Asmaul Husna Universitas Islam Kebangsaan Indonesia
  • Reyhan Achmad Rizal Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Muhathir Muhathir Universitas Medan Area



Automation, Chicken Egg, GLCM, SVM


A common problem currently being faced in the chicken egg production home industry is difficulty in counting the number of eggs. Currently, calculating the number of eggs is still done manually, which is less than optimal and prone to errors, so many entrepreneurs often experience losses. The manual system currently used also has the potential for this to happen. The use of technology on an MSME scale among laying hen breeders has not been widely adopted, this is due to limited access and understanding of technology. One alternative solution to deal with this problem is to build a real-time computerized system. The system that will currently be built in this research uses GLCM feature extraction and the SVM classification method. This system will detect egg production via CCTV cameras and will be stored in a database to be displayed on the website. The advantage of this system is that egg entrepreneurs can monitor chicken egg yields in real time. The results of trials that have been carried out using GLCM feature extraction and the SVM classification method in calculating the number of eggs using the SVM method with a polynomial kernel are highly recommended for use in this research because it can achieve 95% accuracy.


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How to Cite

Sandy, C. L. M., Husna, A., Rizal, R. A., & Muhathir, M. (2023). REAL TIME DETECTION OF CHICKEN EGG QUANTITY USING GLCM AND SVM CLASSIFICATION METHOD. Jurnal Techno Nusa Mandiri, 20(2), 108–114.

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