DOI: Kunci:
Transportation Problem, Linear Programming, Fuzzy Cost, Basis Tree, NWC-Stepping Stone.Abstrak
The issue of transportation is a linier program. Practically, variables of transportation problems may vary that emerges more than single. Fuzzy cost idea in transportation problems is required. The application of basis tree approach and NWC-Stepping Stone method is used to determine a minimum cost of purchase and delivery of commodity occurred for some suppliers. The company can do a cost-saving and be more effective in determining goods purchase from the supplier. The method used is quantitative experiments, the primary data on the PPIC and purchasing. The results of calculation of basis tree approach on PT Busana Cemerlang Garment Industry are the feasible shipping cost $63993.55, the optimistic shipping cost $62073.74, and the pessimistic shipping cost $65913.35. The results of NWC-Stepping Stone method is $63993.55. There is a deviation $6480 with the calculation of purchase order (PO).
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