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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Pengiriman naskah ke INTI Nusa Mandiri harus melalui Penulisan manuskrip harus sesuai dengan template yang disediakan dan mengikuti pedoman penulisan. Jika Anda tidak mengikuti pedoman penulisan, teks akan dikembalikan. Silahkan download template nya disini

1. Naskah ditulis dalam ukuran kertas A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) dengan jumlah halaman minimal 6 halaman, maksimal 8 halaman termasuk tabel dan gambar, serta dengan mengacu pada tata cara penulisan sebagaimana tersusun dalam makalah ini . Margin halaman adalah 1,18 Inchi margin Atas, Margin ke Bawah, kiri dan ke kanan = 0,98

2. Gunakan font Cambria di semua teks, dengan ukuran font seperti yang dicontohkan dalam panduan penulisan ini. Spasi tunggal dan isi teks atau teks menggunakan perataan rata. Sub Judul menggunakan Cambria 10 tebal.

3. Tabel
Tabel harus diberi nomor sesuai urutan penyajian (Tabel 1, dll.). Judul tabel ditulis di atas tabel dengan rata tengah. Font yang digunakan adalah 8pt, baik judul tabel maupun isi tabel. Tabel harus direferensikan dan direferensikan dalam teks. Tabel tidak menggunakan garis vertikal.

4. Gambar
Gambar diberi nomor sesuai urutan penyajian (Gambar 1, dll.). Judul gambar ditempatkan di bawah gambar rata tengah. Font yang digunakan pada judul gambar adalah 8pt. Gambar harus direferensikan dan direferensikan dalam teks.

5. Referensi
Penulisan referensi / pustaka menggunakan sistem APA editon 6. Wajib menggunakan tools Mendeley. Segala sesuatu yang tercantum dalam daftar pustaka / referensi harus mengacu pada tulisan atau makalah. Setidaknya 10 referensi utama dan terbaru. Jumlah pustaka dalam daftar pustaka minimal 15 pustaka acuan.

6. Cara mudah untuk menulis script adalah dengan menulis langsung di template Jurnal.


Struktur Naskah
Judul Ditulis dengan Font Cambria 14pt, (Maks 14 Kata: Bahasa Indonesia). Judul harus jelas dan ringkas. Hanya huruf pertama dari judul yang menggunakan huruf besar dan cetak tebal.

Nama Penulis dan Afiliasi
Nama pengarang ditulis dengan jelas tanpa judul. Penomoran judul dengan sistem Arab dengan sub-judul hingga maksimal 3 tingkat.
sebagai berikut:

Penulis1, Penulis2
1Departemen, fakultas, institusi
2 departemen, fakultas, institusi

Abstrak [gunakan font Cambria 10]
Abstrak ditulis dalam dua bahasa yaitu Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia, maksimal 200 kata dalam Bahasa Inggris dan 250 kata dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Abstrak ditulis dalam cambria 10 spasi 1, 1 paragraf, dicetak miring untuk abstrak dan cetak lurus (bahasa Indonesia) dan format satu kolom.

Kata kunci
Kata kunci ditulis dalam 3-5 kata yang merupakan subset dari judul makalah, ditulis dengan huruf kecil kecuali singkatan, dan dipisahkan dengan tanda baca koma antar kata.
Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi, Teknologi Komputasi, Data Mining, [maksimal 5 kata kunci]

Pendahuluan harus memberikan latar belakang singkat tentang masalah dan literatur untuk mencatat solusi / metode yang tersedia dari penelitian sebelumnya. Penulis harus menyatakan tujuan penelitian di akhir pendahuluan.

Bahan dan metode
(Dapat mencakup analisis, arsitektur, metode yang digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah, implementasi)
Jelaskan metode persiapan dan teknik karakterisasi yang digunakan. Jelaskan secara ringkas, tetapi tetap akurat seperti ukuran, volume, replikasi dan teknik pengerjaan. Metode baru harus dijelaskan secara detail sehingga peneliti lain dapat mereproduksi eksperimen tersebut. Sedangkan metode yang ditetapkan dapat dijelaskan dengan memilih referensi.

Hasil dan Diskusi
Hasil penelitian disajikan secara singkat dan jelas terkait dengan pertanyaan penelitian. Berikan perbedaan antara hasil penelitian dengan penelitian sebelumnya.

Kesimpulan berisi temuan penelitian berupa jawaban atas pertanyaan / tujuan penelitian atau berupa ringkasan hasil pembahasan. Kesimpulan tidak diperbolehkan mengulang penyebutan masalah atau definisi teori. Berikan saran untuk percobaan di masa depan.


Referensi dari buku
Aturan penulisan: Penulis, Inisial / Nama depan. (Tahun). Judul buku. Edisi. Tempat publikasi: Penerbit.

Redman, P., 2006. Penulisan esai yang bagus: panduan ilmu sosial. Edisi ke-3. London: Universitas Terbuka di assoc. dengan Sage.

Referensi dari jurnal
Aturan penulisan: Penulis, Inisial. (Tahun). Judul artikel. Judul Penuh Jurnal, Nomor Volume (Nomor Terbitan / Bagian), Nomor halaman.

Boughton, J.M., (2002). Proposal Bretton Woods: pandangan mendalam. Political Science Quarterly, 42 (6), hlm. 564-78.

Referensi yang berasal dari laporan seminar
Aturan penulisan: Penulis karangan, editor atau organisasi (Tahun). Judul lengkap laporan konferensi. Lokasi, Tanggal, Penerbit: Tempat publikasi.

UNDESA (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs), (2005). Forum global ke-6 tentang penemuan kembali pemerintah: menuju partisipasi dan transparansi.



Submission of manuscript to INTI Nusa Mandiri must go through Script writing must match the template provided and follow the writing guidelines. If you do not follow the writing guidelines, the text will be returned.
Please download the template here



1. Manuscripts are written in A4 paper size (210 mm x 297 mm) with a minimum number of pages of 6 pages, a maximum of 8 pages, including tables and images, and with reference to the procedures for writing as compiled in this paper. The page margin is 25 mm up-down, left and right.

2. Use the Cambria font in all texts, with font sizes as exemplified in this writing guide. Spacing is a single and the contents of a text or text using justified alignment. Sub Titles using Cambria 10 bold.

3. Table
Tables must be numbered in the order of presentation (Tabel 1, etc.). The table title is written above the table with a center justified. The font used is 8pt, both the table title and table contents. Tables must be referenced and referenced in the text. Tables do not use vertical lines.

4. Picture
Pictures are numbered in the order of presentation (Gambar 1, etc.). The title of the image placed under the center justified image. The font used in the image title is 8pt. Images must be referenced and referenced in the text.

5. Reference
Writing references / libraries using the APA editon system 6. Required to use Mendeley tools. Everything listed in the bibliography / reference must be referred to in writing or paper. At least 10 primary and latest references. The number of references in the bibliography is at least 15 reference libraries.

6. An easy way to write a script is to write directly in the Journal template.


Manuscript Structure

Title Written with Font Cambria 14, (Max 14 Words: Indonesian). The title must be clear and concise. Only the first letter of the title uses uppercase letters and bold print.

Author and Affiliate Names
The author's name is clearly written without a title. Heading numbering with Arabic systems with sub-headings up to a maximum of 3 levels.
as follows:

Author1, Author2
1Department, faculty, institution
2Departments, faculties, institution

Abstract [use Cambria 10 font]
Abstracts are written in two languages, namely English and Indonesian, a maximum of 200 words in English and 250 words in Indonesian. Abstract written in Cambria 10, spaced 1, 1 paragraph, italicized for abstract and straight print (Indonesian) and in one column format.

keywords are written in 3-5 words which should be a subset of the title of the paper, written in lowercase letters except for abbreviations, and separated by comma punctuation between words.
Keywords: Information Systems, Computing Technology, Data Mining, [maximum 5 keywords]

The introduction should provide a brief background on the problem and literature to record the solutions / methods available from previous research. The author must state the purpose of the study at the end of the introduction.

Materials and Methods
(Can include analysis, architecture, methods used to solve problems, implementation)
Explain the preparation method and the characterization technique used. Explain in a concise, but still accurate manner such as size, volume, replication and workmanship techniques. The new method must be explained in detail so that other researchers can reproduce the experiment. Whereas the established method can be explained by picking references.

Results and Discussion
The results of the study are presented briefly and clearly related to the research questions. Give a difference between the results of the study with previous research.

Conclusions contain research findings in the form of answers to research questions/goals or in the form of summary results of the discussion. Conclusions are not allowed repeat mentioning problems or theory definitions. Give suggestions for experiments in the future.


References from books
Writing rules: Author, Initials / First name. (Year). Title of book. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher.

Redman, P., 2006. Good essay writing: a social sciences guide. 3rd ed. London: Open University in assoc. with Sage.

References from journals
Writing rules: Author, Initials. (Year). Title of article. Full Title of Journal, Volume number (Issue / Part number), Page numbers.

Boughton, J.M., (2002). The Bretton Woods proposal: an in depth look. Political Science Quarterly, 42 (6), pp.564-78.

References originating from seminar reports
Writing rules: Authorship author, editor or organization (Year). Full title of conference report. Location, Date, Publisher: Place of publication.

UNDESA (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs), (2005). 6th Global forum on reinventing government: towards participatory and transparent governance. Seoul, Republic of Korea 24-27 May 2005. United Nations: New York.

References originating from seminar / proceedings papers
Writing rules: Authorship, Year. Full title of conference paper. In: followed by Editor or name of organization, Full title of conference. Location, Date, Publisher: Place of publication.

Brown, J., (2005). Evaluating surveys of transparent governance. In: UNDESA (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs), 6th Global forum on reinventing government: towards participatory and transparent governance. Seoul, Republic of Korea 24-27 May 2005. United Nations: New York.

References from dissertations
Writing rules: Author, (Year of publication). Title of dissertation. Level. Place of University (If not clear from the name of the University): Name of University.


Richmond, J., (2005). Customer expectations in the world of electronic banking: a case study of the Bank of Britain. Ph. D. Chelmsford: Anglia Ruskin University.

References from the website
Writing rules: Authorship or Source, (Year). Title of web document or web page. [Medium] (date of update)

Webpage with an author
Welch, N. (2000, February 21). Toward understanding of the determinants of rural health. Retrieved from

Webpage with no author
ANCI national competency standards for registered nurses and the enrolled nurse. (2000). Retrieved from

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