Abstrak— Sentiment analysis can be used to glean information about user opinions and identify social or political trends. There have been many studies on sentiment analysis using machine learning or lexicon-based methods that have been quite impressive. However, machine learning models often have difficulty generalizing to new data due to various reasons, such as overfitting and limited training data. These models are also prone to bias and variance, which negatively affect the accuracy of their predictions. This study discusses the application of the ensemble stacking method in sentiment analysis with the topic of the takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban. By monitoring social media, the author uses a dataset in the form of comments on YouTube news channels related to the topic raised. Several studies have shown how the ensemble stacking method predicts better than the single model. The research was carried out by creating a sentiment classification model with logistic regression machine learning algorithms, SVM, KNN, and CART then the ensemble stacking classifier formed by the base learner of the four algorithms. As a result, for a single classifier, the highest average accuracy is the logistic regression algorithm of 74.6 percent. The four algorithms are compiled and predicted by logistic regression, and the stacking ensemble classifier that is applied produces better accuracy than the stand-alone classifier, which is 75.3 percent
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