convolutional neural network, detection object, manufacturing, product, YOLOAbstract
Component products used for manufacturing a machine in manufacturing companies have two types of products, type A and B. The problem that often occurs in the industry is product sorting errors due to the traditional sorting process, using human labor. The disadvantages are limited human labor so that fatigue can occur, causing errors in sorting products and losses for the company. Many studies discuss object detection, Industrial problems in the checking process can be approached with the help of this technology. Object detection works to analyze frames with the method of finding objects. There are methods in digital image processing, CNN algorithms which include methods in computer vision. The growing framework makes the CNN algorithm more powerful. YOLO includes a framework based on the CNN algorithm. YOLOv5 detects objects by taking into account the object's confidence value, the output of the detected object is a bounding box on the object. The problem in the industry in the checking process can be approached with the help of this technology. For this reason, this research aims to create a model for product object detection in manufacturing companies. The process carried out is data collection, image annotation, training, testing, evaluation. The images collected were 137 for training data and 34 for validation data totaling 171 image data. The results of the model using YOLOv5 with epoch 1000 get a precision value of 100%, recall 100% and mAP 99%, the product detection results get an average value of 100%.
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