edge detection, image processing, irisAbstract
The iris is a part of the human anatomy that can be used as a biometric identifier. Data obtained from the iris can be converted into information through iris image processing, and in order to obtain accurate iris pixel results, an edge detection operator is required that can provide detailed and good image quality effects. In this research, a comparative analysis of the Canny, Sobel, Prewitt and Roberts edge detection operators was carried out on iris images. The purpose of performing a comparative analysis of edge detection methods is to compare the detection results of each edge detection operator on iris recognition detected by each operator. The results of the comparison of edge detection methods using precision tables can be analyzed to show that the Canny edge detection operator provides better, smoother and sharper edge results in actual edge point detection, namely 0.357867, while Sobel =, 0.210212, Prewitt = 0.212452 and Roberts = 0.279196. From these results it can be concluded that the edge detection results provided by Sobel and Prewitt are less sharp and sensitive to noise, and the comparison results can vary depending on the intensity of the image and the image object being compared.
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