asset valuation, data dimension, data quality assessment, data qualityAbstract
To realize a data-driven organization, good data quality is needed as a foundation for solving various problems related to data management. The case study used in this research is asset valuation comparison data. The purpose of this research is to define dimensions, measure and analyze data quality on asset valuation comparison data. There are three dimensions used in measuring data quality in this study which are adjusted based on existing regulations at Ministry X, namely accuracy, completeness, and validity. This research uses the stages in the Total Data Quality Management (TDQM) framework to measure data quality. The results of measuring all dimensions, 29 out of 58 business rules cannot be fulfilled completely. The business rules that can be fulfilled in each dimension are 47.06% in the completeness dimension, 60% in the validity dimension, and 44.44% in the accuracy dimension. The main factor causing the existence of data attributes that have not met the data quality business rules is because the asset valuation comparison data comes from various data sources. In addition, there are methods or standards for recording data from data source units that are not uniform, so an evaluation of the uniformity of data standardization and the implementation of data governance is needed. The results of this study can be used as material for organizational consideration to be more aware of the current state of data quality. In addition, it can be used by organizations to design strategies and steps to improve data quality so that it can support leaders in making the right decisions.
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