• Sumanto Sumanto (1*) Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika
  • Mochamad Wahyudi (2) Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

  • (*) Corresponding Author
Keywords: best administative staff, combination, evaluation, GRA, LOPCOW


The best administrative staff are individuals who are able to maintain the smooth operation of the organization with high efficiency and precision. One of the main problems is subjectivity in assessment that can cause dissatisfaction among employees. Sometimes, assessments are based more on personal relationships than objective performance, thus creating a sense of unfairness. The purpose of this study, using a combination of LOPCOW and GRA in determining the best administrative staff to develop a holistic and data-driven evaluation approach for the optimal administrative staff selection process. This process involves a comprehensive assessment based on various criteria, including work efficiency, accuracy, multitasking ability, and excellence in communication and problem solving. LOPCOW provides a strong objective basis by considering significant changes in performance data through logarithmic percentage changes, while GRA helps in identifying and understanding the relationship of similarities and differences between alternatives based on given criteria. By integrating these two methods, organizations can combine the advantages of LOPCOW's objectivity with the power of GRA's relational comparison analysis, resulting in a more comprehensive and accurate performance evaluation. The results of the ranking of the selection of the best administrative staff show that the first best administrative staff was obtained by Staff Name AH with a GRG value of 0.1666, the second best administrative staff was obtained by Staff Name RW with a GRG value of 0.1569, the third best administrative staff was obtained by Staff Name ES with a GRG value of 0.1266.


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