CRISP-DM, Multiple Linear Regression, Prediction, Red ChiliAbstract
Vegetables, including red chili peppers, play an important role in food and economic balance. Significant price fluctuations and inflation are often problems for farmers and traders. Garut Regency, as the center of red chili production in West Java, faces similar challenges. This research aims to implement a Multiple Linear Regression algorithm to predict the price of red chili peppers in the Garut Regency, highlighting the novelty of using a combination of One Hot Encoding, Feature Engineering, Standard Scaler, and Hyperparameter Tuning techniques. The method used is CRISP-DM with 6 stages: Business Understanding, Data Understanding, Data Preparation, Modeling, Evaluation, and Deployment. The data used is the price and production of red chili peppers per week in 2018-2023, with a total of 702 records. This research involved 8 trials with data transformation and normalization scenarios. The model evaluation used MSE, RMSE, MAPE, R-squared, and statistical hypothesis testing metrics. Results showed 5 significantly influential attributes: year, month, production, net harvested area, and productivity. The best model yielded MSE 202,134,650, RMSE 14,217, MAPE 29.16%, and R-squared 0.320. This approach is simpler yet effective and is able to provide fairly accurate predictions. This research is expected to contribute to providing predictive models that help farmers and traders anticipate price fluctuations, as well as provide insights for policymakers in price management.
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