Kata Kunci:
E-Learning, School, Information SystemAbstrak
The learning process is generally carried out directly, but now can be done without a process-face in directly between teachers and students, because now online learning has become a trend at schools, now a national exam using the online system. Development of an e-learning information system created using the waterfall method is to analyze the needs of the system, creation of information systems, to testing. after going through the circuit produced an e-learning information system that can facilitate the learning process between teachers and students onlineUnduhan
Effendi dan Hartono Zhuang. 2005. E-learning Konsep dan Aplikasi. Yogyakarta: ANDI
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Hidayatullah, Priyanto dan Jauhari Khairul Kawistara. 2014. Pemrograman Web. Bandung: Informatika.
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Prihatna, Henky. 2005. Kiat Praktis Menjadi Web Master Profesional. Jakart: PT. Elex Media Komputer.
Rizky, Soetam. 2011. Konsep Dasar Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak. Jakarta: Prestasi Pustaka.
Rosa A.S, and M. S. (2011). Modul Pembelajaran Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (Terstruktur dan Berorientasi Obyek). Bandung: Modula.