Implementation of Smarter Method for Prospective Student Council Selection System SMK Negeri 1 Rembang

  • Bety Wulan Sari (1*) Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta
  • Donni Prabowo (2) Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta
  • Wahyu Puji Lestari (3) Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta

  • (*) Corresponding Author
Keywords: Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique Exploiting Ranks, SMARTER, Rank Order Centroid, ROC, Decision Support System


One of the schools that has attempted to make the student council active and the primary platform for student development to encourage student activities at school is SMK Negeri 1 Rembang. OSIS administrators can execute numerous labor programs in both academic and non-academic domains. Participants must pass several selection processes to join the SMK Negeri 1 Rembang OSIS board. This student council board's election procedure still employs manual methods. The selection procedure may take longer and allow for subjective evaluations depending on the number of candidates and the criteria used. As a result, it is essential to develop a decision support system (SPK) that uses Rank Order Centroid (ROC) weighting and the Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique Exploiting Rank (SMARTER) method to help choose student council administrators. The SMARTER technique addressed disproportionality because the weights assigned do not provide a hierarchy or order of importance between the current criteria and their sub-criteria. Based on the computation of the final value of the standards and sub-criteria on each alternative, the system produces results in the form of the biggest to most minor order. Blackbox testing of this program demonstrates that it can operate and be used at SMK N 1 Rembang both in terms of functionality and outcomes from the system.



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How to Cite
Sari, B., Prabowo, D., & Lestari, W. (2023). Implementation of Smarter Method for Prospective Student Council Selection System SMK Negeri 1 Rembang. Jurnal Pilar Nusa Mandiri, 19(2), 97-102.
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