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Lembaga Penelitian Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Nusa Mandiri
Creation is distributed below Lisensi Creative Commons Atribusi-NonKomersial 4.0 Internasional.
The development of websites in this digital era is crucial to creating captivating and relevant online experiences. The combination of server-side programming and client-side technologies along with MySQL database management forms the foundation for a dynamic user interface emphasizes the significance of integrating various technologies to achieve this goal. This project involves the use of PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and MySQL, with the integration of The Movie Database (TMDB) API, showcasing the intricate fusion of creativity, technical prowess, and data integration. The resulting website offers a comprehensive list of films with detailed information and posters, enhancing the user experience and making it an essential read for those interested in crafting immersive online experiences. The abstract of this research aims to explore the process of website development using diverse technologies and data integration and to analyze its impact on user experience. By examining aspects such as security, performance, and routine maintenance, this study aims to provide in-depth insights into producing captivating and relevant online experiences in the context of modern web development.
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Musthofa, N., & Adiguna, M. A. (2022). Perancangan Aplikasi E-Commerce Spare-Part Komputer Berbasis Web Menggunakan CodeIgniter Pada Dhamar Putra Computer Kota Tangerang. OKTAL: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains, 1(03), 199-207.
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Paramitha, I. A. K. P., Wiharta, D. M., & Arsa, I. M. (2022). Perancangan Dan Implementasi Restful Api Pada Sistem Informasi Manajemen Dosen Universitas Udayana. Jurnal SPEKTRUM Vol, 9(3). doi: 10.24843/spektrum.2022.v09.i03.p3.
Prayoga, E., Anandita, C. A. M. R., Putri, S. A., & Sumantri, R. B. B. (2023). Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pemesanan Tiket Bioskop Xxi Cibaduyut Berbasis Website Dengan Metode Waterfall. Jurnal Sistem Informasi Kaputama (JSIK), 7(1), 29-35. doi: 10.59697/jsik.v7i1.70.
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Vidal-Silva, C., Jiménez, C., Madariaga, E., & Urzúa, L. (2020). Applying PHP codeigniter for easy web development.
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Lembaga Penelitian Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Nusa Mandiri
Creation is distributed below Lisensi Creative Commons Atribusi-NonKomersial 4.0 Internasional.