linear regression, poverty level, stunting riskAbstract
Children's growth is disrupted by stunting, a chronic nutritional condition brought on by a prolonged shortage of nutrient intake. Under-five stunting is a major issue that affects many nations, particularly those with high rates of poverty. The aim of this research is to use the linear regression method based on the proportion of poverty to predict the risk of stunting in children under five in West Java. Growing children are particularly vulnerable to stunting, which can have long-term effects on their development and health. The research site was selected in West Java Province due to the region's high stunting rates and nofigur poverty rate. Precise forecasts are required to surmount the current issues. The research methodology employed is the descriptive quantitative technique. The data, which was projected using percentage values, covered the years 2014–2020. This study uses linear regression as its algorithm. According to the study's findings, there will be an 8.55% chance of toddler stunting in West Java in 2024. It is hoped that the government would be able to lower the risk of stunting by estimating the proportion of risk.
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