DOI: Kunci:
Routers, Switches, VLAN, VPNAbstrak
Systematics distributing information quickly and effectively to improve the performance of the network is the ability to divide a large broadcast domain into several smaller broadcast domains using VLANs (Virtual Local Area Network). Broadcastdomain smaller device would limit the activities involved in the broadcast and device divides into several groups based on their functions, Pasar Rebo District Office has several village and this will be applying VLAN technology. VLAN is used as an alternative to a router that is used to divide the private network for each floor of the District Office. Where each floor has a different network with one another so that the security of the network increases. VLAN configuration used was a model of VLAN trunking. This model uses a system of VTP (Virtual Trunking Protocol) Server and Client. Switches are used as a server can divide a network of ports available. While the client can only adjust the network that has been provided by the server switch. VLAN configurations are all using Cisco Catalyst Switches, After the network is configured to use VLAN VLAN then the next step would be the author of Virtual Private Network building which serves to connect the VLANs in the District Office and the Village Office located in the District of Pasar Rebo.Referensi
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