DOI: Kunci:
GLCM, feature Extraction, backpropagation neural networkAbstrak
The aimed of this study was to apply the feature extraction method of GLCM and Back-propagation Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to classify Lombok's typical Songket woven cloth by classifying based on the texture of the Songket woven cloth. Songket woven cloth in Lombok in terms of weaving and texture are vary from region to region. For example the songket woven cloth in Pringgasela Village, Sukarara Village and Sade Village has differences in texture and motifs. For this reason, this study focuses on classifying Lombok's typical Songket woven cloth by performing feature extraction on woven cloth using the GLCM method and the classification method uses Back-propagation Artificial Neural Network (ANN). For data collection, the data was taken directly from the Songket weaving centers in Pringgasela, Sade and Sukarara. In the classification stage the training data used were 64 data and 11 test data. Then the epoch used was 41 iterations with a time of 0:00:04, with neurons 80 and 100. The use of neurons 80 generated 18% which was successful in the classification. While using 100 neurons generated 100% successful which was can be classified. Based on the classification results obtained, the use of 100 neurons gained good classification results.
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