https://doi.org/10.33480/techno.v21i1.5355Kata Kunci:
certainty factor, cucumber plant diseases, expert systems, forward chainingAbstrak
Cucumber plants spread and can live in tropical climates like Indonesia. The cucumber plant has many benefits and can be a beauty ingredient. Cucumbers, like other plants, can also have disease attacks, which can threaten farmers. This expert system can help farmers discover diseases that attack cucumber plants and how to control them. The certainty Factor is a method used to measure the certainty of facts to describe an expert's confidence in facing a problem. Forward Chaining is an approach method monitored by data starting from information in the form of facts and supported by rules to reach conclusions. Implementing an expert system for diagnosing cucumber diseases using certainty factor and forward chaining methods will make it easier for farmers and the public to cultivate cucumber plants and get good results. Applying the forward chaining method and factor certainty in this expert system can produce an accuracy level of 95.918%.
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