chatgpt, KNN, naive bayes, SMOTEAbstract
ChatGPT is a chatbot or computer program in the form of a virtual robot that can simulate human-like conversations. ChatGPT is widely used in various fields in academia. The impact of the use of ChatGPT on academia and public perception of this technology is significant. Sentiment analysis can be used to determine the polarity of a text or opinion that is positive or negative. In this research, social media is used as a data source to collect public opinion regarding ChatGPT instantly. The methods used in this reserach are the KNN algorithm and Naive Bayes algorithm. The aim of this research is to find the best algorithm model for sentiment classification in terms of public opinion for ChatGPT which contains English text. Before testing the algorithm model, a text processing stage was carried out which included the processes of case folding, tokenizing, stopword removal, and stemming. Word weighting using TF-IDF was carried out before the data was ready to be processed. Splitting data used in this research includes 80% of the dataset as training data and 20% of the dataset as testing data. The application of the SMOTE technique to the KNN and Naive Bayes algorithms to overcome the imbalance class of the public opinion dataset regarding ChatGPT. The research results show that combining SMOTE and Naive Bayes algorithm gives the best results with an accuracy value of 85.00%, a precision value of 87.64%, a recall value of 84.78% and an f1-score of 86.18%.
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