• Ninuk Wiliani (1*) Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis BRI
  • Rizki Hesananda (2) Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Bank Rakyat Indonesia
  • Nidya Sari Rahmawati (3)
  • Erdham Hestiadhi Prianggara (4) Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Bank Rakyat Indonesia

  • (*) Corresponding Author
Keywords: Prediction, Training, Bitcoin, Testing


Predicting a currency Exchange rate and performing analysis is an action to try to determine the price valuation of a currency or other financial instrument traded on an exchange platform. Bitcoin is a consensus network that enables new payment systems and fully digital money. Bitcoin is the first decentralized peer to peer payment network that is fully controlled by its users without any central authority or intermediary. From the user's point of view, Bitcoin is like cash in the internet world. Bitcoin can also be viewed as the most prominent triple bookkeeping system in existence today. The change in Bitcoin's behavior against the US dollar is influenced by many factors. Basic or economic factors that may be affected include inflation rates and money supply. In this study, data was collected by obtaining all data through the API provided by and labeled with the specified attribute. The modeling is done by using the rapidminer application. The process begins by taking training data that has been provided previously. The next stage is the data testing process, all operators that have been previously determined are connected and tested using the Linear Regression operator. The purpose of testing this data is to predict stock prices from the testing data that has been made by the Split Data operator, which is 19% of the total data that has been prepared.


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How to Cite
N. Wiliani, R. Hesananda, N. Rahmawati, and E. Prianggara, “APPLICATION OF MACHINE LEARNING FOR BITCOIN EXCHANGE RATE PREDICTION AGAINST US DOLLAR”, jitk, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 67-74, Feb. 2022.
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