Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): JITK Issue August 2023

JITK (Journal of Computer Science and Technology) Volume 9 Number 1, published in August 2023, is a Journal published by the Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Universtias Nusa Mandiri. Frequency of Mid-Year Issuance (2 times a year, ie February and August). JITK has ISSN: 2685-8223 (Print Media) and ISSN: 2527-4864 (Online Media). DOI Prefix: 10.33480. JITK (Journal of Computer Science and Technology) Journal is an Accredited National Journal accredited by the Ministry of Research and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia at SINTA S2 level. JITK Journal contains a collection of topics relating to the collection/accumulation of new knowledge, empirical observations or research results, and the development of new ideas or proposals in the field of science related to computer science.
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