Kata Kunci:
Perencanaan Strategi, Strategi TI/SI, SWOTAbstrak
The increasing number of enthusiasts of insurance services in Indonesia resulted in competition level in the insurance world is getting stronger. The high competition among insurance companies requires that every company should have a high standard of service. The business strategy is one way the company to face the competition is getting stronger. The right strategy is one component is how the organization's ability to exploit information and communications technology to the maximum, followed by human resource management professionals. As one insurance company, AJB BUMIPUTERA is already supposed to create a strategic plan (strategic plan) is appropriate that contain Program and Project Implementation Roadmap IT as IT planning documents to support the achievement of strategic objectives.
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Jogiyanto. 2005. Sistem Informasi Strategik untuk Keunggulan Kompetitif, Penerbit Andi Offset, Yogyakarta.
Michael E. Porter.2001.Strategi Bersaing, Teknik Menganalisa industri dan Pesaing, terjemahan Ir. Agus Maulana.
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Weiler, jhon, Schemel, Nelson. 2003. Value Chain And Value Coalitions, ICH White paper. From : retrieved 29 Agustus 2016
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