clustering, comparison, distance metrics, k-medoids, numerical measureAbstract
The K-Medoids Clustering algorithm is a frequently employed technique among researchers for data categorization. The primary difficulty addressed in this investigation pertains to the extent of optimality achieved when varying distance computation methodologies are applied within the framework of K-Medoids Clustering. This study is primarily concerned with the application of K-Medoids Clustering, employing a multitude of distance calculation methods, specifically those involving numerical metrics. The aim is to undertake a comparative analysis of Davies-Bouldin Index (DBI) values in order to ascertain the most productive distance calculation technique. In this research, the distance calculation methodologies include Manhattan Distance, Jaccard Similarity, Dynamic Time Warping Distance, Cosine Similarity, Chebyshev Distance, Canberra Distance and Euclidean Distance. The dataset consists of sales data from Devi Cosmetics, covering the period between January and April 2022 and comprising 56 distinct sales items. The research provides an exhaustive evaluation of numerical metrics concerning the K-Medoids Clustering algorithm. The findings indicate that the optimal clustering is achieved using the Chebyshev distance, resulting in 9 clusters with a DBI value of 166.632. The study's contribution is that it can improve more optimal data grouping to help make decisions correctly.
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