
  • Budy Satria Universitas Andalas
  • Syarif Hidayatullah Institut Teknologi Mitra Gama
  • Fitra Yuda Institut Teknologi Rokan Hilir
  • Leonard Tambunan Institut Teknologi Mitra Gama
  • Siti Sahara Lubis Institut Teknologi Rokan Hilir
  • Irzon Meiditra Institut Teknologi Rokan Hilir



android, arduino mega 2560, fire extinguisher, IOT, robot


Fire is an unsupervised incidental disaster. This disaster has a detrimental impact on living and non-living things in the surrounding environment. This study was conducted to design an intelligent firefighting robot using Arduino Mega 2560 and Android-based IoT technology. This firefighting robot uses several Node MCU ESP8266 components as additional devices to connect to wifi. The L298N module regulates the speed and direction of the DC motor rotation, followed by the L9110 fan as hardware to extinguish the fire. The mobile robot prototype uses a DC motor as its driver. In addition, an Android application has been programmed to control the firefighting robot. This application has features that allow the robot to move in various directions and adjust the fan speed when extinguishing fires, all through an internet network connection. The study results showed that the application can be connected within a distance of 1-8 meters with good network quality. The test results showed that at a distance of 1-28 cm, the fan worked very well according to its function, and the Android application also worked optimally. In that range, the fan can extinguish the simulated fire source. The results of this study obtained a new approach to autonomous fire detection and extinguishing using IoT and robotic technology. In addition, it is able to integrate an Android-based IoT controller to enable remote control with real-time monitoring to overcome problems in previous research.


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How to Cite

B. Satria, S. Hidayatullah, F. Yuda, L. Tambunan, S. S. Lubis, and I. Meiditra, “DESIGN OF FIRE EXTINGUISHER ROBOT USING IOT WITH ANDROID APPLICATION CONTROL”, jitk, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 652–660, Feb. 2025.

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