Design and Implementation of IoT Based Smart Lecture Attendance System at Mataram University of Technology


  • Ardiyallah Akbar Universitas Teknologi Mataram
  • Zaenudin Zaenudin Universitas Teknologi Mataram
  • Ahmad Yani Universitas Teknologi Mataram
  • Rudi Muslim Universitas Teknologi Mataram



ESP32, RFID, Absensi, IoT, ESP32CAM


Student attendance is one of the reporting activities that exist in educational institutions. The problem that occurs in educational institutions is that when entering the lecture, many students are late and often absent, which can cause discipline where students often do absenteeism, so lecturers cannot know the number of students who attend accurately. From these problems, a solution is needed to help lecturers recapitulate attendance data. This system uses ESP32 as a data manager, RFID for data reading, and ESP32 to validate student attendance by taking pictures of faces. The data is stored on the web server using ESP32CAM to cover the shortcomings of RFID, which is still card-based, so that it can emphasize the flaws. To simplify the attendance in this study, utilizing the website as an interface to facilitate lecturers in knowing the number of students who are present, late, or absent more efficiently and accurately


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How to Cite

Akbar, A., Zaenudin, Z., Yani, A., & Muslim, R. (2023). Design and Implementation of IoT Based Smart Lecture Attendance System at Mataram University of Technology. Jurnal Pilar Nusa Mandiri, 19(2), 109–116.

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