artificial intelligence, e-learning, G-MOOC, speech recognition, visual impairmentAbstract
The proliferation of visual impairment among school-age children in Indonesia has prompted the need for specialized online learning solutions. The G-MOOC 4D platform, a novel Learning Management System (LMS), is designed to address this need by leveraging gamification and artificial intelligence to enhance accessibility for visually impaired users. This study reports on the development and testing of two AI models within the G-MOOC 4D framework: a facial recognition model for secure user authentication and a voice command model for interactive learning. User Acceptance Testing (UAT), conducted with expert users, namely teachers at a special needs school, showed high approval rates for the platform's features. The results show that all metrics, accuracy, precision, and recall reach their optimal values at a distance of 40 cm for face detection. The respective metric scores at that distance, precision: 100%, accuracy: 98%, and recall: 97%. Additionally, the voice command functionality tested achieved a 100% recognition rate, reflecting the platform’s potential to significantly ease the learning process for visually impaired students. The findings underscore the importance of integrating assistive technologies into educational platforms to ensure all students have equal access to learning opportunities.
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